Did you know that 50% of American women will develop a Urinary Tract Infection at some point in their lives? Additionally, urinary tract infections are the MOST COMMON OUTPATIENT INFECTION in the United States! (Source: An Introduction to the Epidimology and Burden of Urinary Tract Infections- Pubmed.gov. , May 2, 2019).

In spite of conventional treatment with antibiotics, a high percentage of UTIs recur. Classical homeopathic treatment heals UTI symptoms at the deepest level, so that recurrence is uncommon.

Classical homeopathy successfully treats UTIs by triggering the body to self-heal, reducing the susceptibility and therefore the likelihood of the infection recurring.


Classical homeopathy is an individualized approach which looks at the individual’s unique way of presenting their UTI symptoms. Pain levels, concomitant symptoms such as fever/no fever, thirst levels, and the mental/emotional state of the person who is suffering with their infection are some of the factors which are taken into account when selecting a homeopathic remedy.

Chelsea is a client who had suffered from recurring UTIs since the age of 16. Each time she had an infection, it was treated with antibiotics. While they initially cleared the UTI symptoms, the infection would reoccur and each round of antibiotics caused some side effects.

Chelsea was familiar with homeopathy, so at the first sign of UTI symptoms, she selected a remedy protocol from her homeopathic remedy kit, and began to self-treat. But after several days of trying different remedies and protocols, and experiencing inadequate improvement in her symptoms, she decided to reach out to a professional homeopath.

After taking Chelsea’s complete health history and listening to her describe her symptoms and mental/emotional state during her intake appointment, I made a single remedy recommendation to her. Within 24 hours, her pain levels decreased, and within two days her pain was completely resolved. Three days after taking her remedy, her biomarkers for bacteria levels on her urine test strips showed zero infection, and within four days of taking her remedy she was 100% symptom free! Read Chelsea’s testimonial here!

“I had been attempting to treat my infection homeopathically by myself and finally felt in over my head. In the midst of the two days of working toward treating my symptoms, Astaire was patient with me, very communicative, and made me feel like I was well taken care of. I was testing my urine each day and was so thankful that not only were my symptoms gone but there were zero markers of any bacteria or anything after 3 days. Crazy cool to have gotten through this issue with no antibiotics!!!”

If you or someone you know is suffering from UTIs, please share this information with them! Classical homeopathy can resolve UTI symptoms once and for all! Suffering from recurring UTIs and the side effects of antibiotics is unnecessary. What are you waiting for? Homeopathy is the answer!

Astaire Roorda